LOVING ALL HARMING NONE



For generations people have trusted our system of governing. We people take care, knowing to harm no one and improve what we can.

Personal responsibility allows patience and tolerance for others. Diverse personalities enjoy many levels of enjoyment, comprehension, skill sets, desires and intentions

As the world turns, principles remain the same, Clean: Air, Water, Food, Love,  Integrity, Family, Friends, Purpose, Peace AND SAFETY.


SAFETY is what we trusted our governing body to provide by necessity. Public money has bloated our institutions, dominating the world with the resources we have provided.


With regular and random audits of public accounts by people responsible for the public domain  "People's Assemblies" We have no need to allow our public office servants, to deny due process acting as leaders who collectively, as corrupt actors self serving in corporations, are attempting to dominate and control by force and threats of violence, all vulnerable people through lies of war over the world, profiting on the pain of the people. 

We the people, diligently improving what we have, securing safety and abundance for posterity with others of like minds.

AMERICA'S FIRST AMENDMENT ASSEMBLIES OF HUMBLE PEOPLE  committed to consciously co-creating "Good On Duty" 


ALLOWING OUR PUBLIC OFFICE SERVANTS CLAIM TO BE AS LEADERS WHILE SERVING EACH OTHER AND SELF, ALLOWED THIS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.................................................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>......................>>>>>>>>>..

Care to know in action: Back Engineering the problem shows us, propaganda has lead to complacency, allowing obey and comply to authority collectively. Authority is "Who creates-controls!" Authority to love all and harm none, is our personal responsibility. Knowing to care in action brings questioning "Where to start? What can one do?" SOMETHING!

Servants leading brings chaos, chaos brings fear, fear destroys. Generational values remain the same. DO NO HARM-OR-ATONE!

Allowing one to control another as habit or tradition, removes the dignity of the lessor. No eyes to see, no ears to>> hear, No head to thinking, no speaking, no intuition, no inspiration, no purpose, no love, only struggle with no>>>> arms or hands to write or create and stripping the breast bare to humiliate.  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

WHERE WE ARE NOW: WELL IT'S NOT GOING TO FIX IT'S SELF!! Sooo WHO's duty is it? What needs fixed?>.>.>.>.>.>.>.>. ..................................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>...........................>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>..................>>>>>>>>.......>>>>>.....>>>...>>..>.>,>


ASSEMBLING TOGETHER, as humble people of like minds, in agreement, who do know to care that: Harming anyone is evil and allowing evil, is evil it's self. Sovereign Serving people standing with moral values, are now being challenged in a spiritual war of GOOD principles protecting innocent people by our system required to serve people safely in our public domain.

Our public office servants of our Great America's Constitutional Republic take an oath, are bonded to secure that oath and paid public money faithfully, to diligently, effectively, faithfully apply THE DUE PROCESS OF LAW.

Trust a servant blindly they become leaders. Then Bullies, Now TYRANTS. Not good ones, only bad behavior harms others.

AND THIS IS WHAT WE GOT: Leaders, collectively traitors, all culpable (so are we) allowing fraud to profit from public office.

Takeover the world Pinkie and friends - like they do every night while we sleep they creep, praying to money for more profit.

Public servants are not to profit against the common interest or needs of people trusting the office to serve common good.

                  Constitutional good behavior is due process. Oaths and bonds are required, and must not harm or profit off of the needs of people.

Public office people are good working dependable people who are in a position to rely on retirement as reward for service. The nature of life to expand places good people in a system, obligated to keep it up and see to it being good as their duty. (so are we). Together we keep it corrected as we go, when we know and care for the ONE PRINCIPLE "HARM NO ONE"


AND THIS IS WHERE WE GO: Constitutional Public offices are not for profit. ONCE THE RABBIT IS OUT OF THE HAT, can't put the chicken back in the egg. Corporations must profit or fail. The Law  requires justice served  The Law Is The Law: It Remains

DO NO HARM... or ATONE!   DO NO HARM...or ATONE !   DO NO HARM...or ATONE! Just doing my job is a-non-excuse

A Belief that: "I am just doing my job - doing what I am told", is the words of a defeated people. Selling out their Soul for $$$

A Belief that it is OK: IS wrong headed TOO!! What job description allows for due process to harm others?? NONE - NOT EVER

HOWEVER: There exists a construct, designed for the purpose of, highest profit margin, lowest cost to market and without concern for the quality of, or serving moral values to people who depend on those products, goods or services. The Market.

The Market serves (People). Capitalism serves (Profit). Corporations serve (Limited Liability) Government? Serves WHAT?

POLL-TICKING: Proud Public Speaking for campaign money to buy votes and capitalize on developing job security through legislating rules for business. So Far looking from the ground level, IT SEEMS NOT TO INCLUDE  Clean: Water, Air, Food, Education, Public Safety....... Enforcement of WHAT? Hmmm  MORE WAR - now the war is on the Souls of the people.

Do the Poll-Tickers feel the people are a mass of annoyances in the way of their happiness? .....SEEMS SO......

Now Poll-Tickers, collectively serve corps profit, enforce special mandates for special interest, and sell our creature comforts

back to people manipulating markets ... OH MY - THE BORG CORPS -V- THE HIVE ... and the winner???? The people FOLKS.


"RUT ROE REORGE"The Jetsons high tech worlds. Now we do too. Zippiddy DoDa BATMAN wud ya LOOK AT THAT CORPORATE:CORPS for short.Yes,like dead and stinkin.

Corps are fictional constructs, legal policies and bylaws for internal processes. Not word-salad written by living people, (Personalities with titles) in agreement, doing business for profit, off of the people in the public market place. What no longer serves (SOUND PRINCIPLES) has gotta go. 

Corps, is a construct of the living, with no life of it's own. Corps are con-structed for one purpose only. Protection from and limiting any liability - Corps are LIMITED to the paper writings dependent the integrity of the parties, and on the integrity of those in agreement to be the workers for pay and be loyal to the profiting for the boss.


Corps are dead, limited in creativity, compassion and inspiration. Corps are not LIABLE for anything because they are DEAD FICTIONAL CONSTRUCTS FOR LIVING PEOPLE TO HIDE ASSETS BEHIND IMAGINED IMMUNITY - DOES NOT EXIST - not in our real world where we have personal responsibility and public accountability. 


OUTLAWS WEAR BLACK-HEARTS: Corps leaders use BAR ASS ATT Legaleez with forked tungs to devour profit from the competition and entice all the people who will bite. Corps use earths natural resources, produce $profitable% products, Designed by young minds, experiments in our universities and military science labrotories. Producing - selling plastic items, wrapped in plastic, advertised by plastic actors, for pay to sway profitability with value imagined and not real, as a fictional construct profiting through destruction as excess causing pain and suffering.


Every action and omission carries an effect. In the Spirit a body animates. Moves into ACTIONS and OMISSIONS: RIPPLES of natural consequence.  NO EXCEPTIONS!! Generally Speaking: Do Good - Get Good = Bad Behavior - Bad Consequences 

Personal Responsibility holds account - Consequences for bad behavior and compensation for victims in good behavior. THAT IS THE WAY IT ALL WAYS WORKS FOR ALL OF US, Balance and reciprocity, we depend on Love n Light in Truth and Transparency ...... So to Heal We Will Need Some Truth Transparently With Real and Peaceful, Lawful, Effective, Meaningful and Lasting True Consequences and valuable compensation  


TRUTH, CONSEQUENCES and REPTILIANS...... A Native American Chief quote. " Within each is a war, between two hungry wolves, one is evil the other is good - The one which you feed - WINS": Reptilians are known to be blood thirsty bullies.

We Each have, at the base of our skull, a reptilian brain, It serves self-preserving behavior patterns to ensure our (EGO) survival and that of our species. Bullies feed the need of greed, power and control: Like Damaged or Spoiled Children who failed to heal from their childhood trauma, with abandonment or parenting issues - Feeling "I MUST CONTROL TO SURVIVE!" "I Just Need More!" Me, My, Mine, I, I, I, ME MINE MORE. This thinking is necessary for the competition of climbing Corps. OR THE BORG CORPS Will Consume it's own to rise with a lighter more loyal load. 


A well nourished Reptile Brain, does override common sense. As instinct any scent of blood, profit, power or  MORE ME MORE Is the Reptilian State of mind that brings good people become co - dependent on a (devalued-defective) system of control by force and fear to climb the competitive ladder - stuck in muck of Competitive dead end (CORPS JOB SECURITY). AS SERVANTS wannabe LEADERS LIKE THE BOSS: This causes psychosis and brings anxiety to every energy it touches, brings fear into the public. Fear eliminates logical and creative thinking. Creativity and logic require safety from harm. It's a racket.

Good People sometimes become extorted as well, with no hope of recovery, Some Corps actually have blood oaths if secrets are spoken. THOSE CORPS BECOME THE BORG: CORP BORG BAR ASS ATTs AND ARE BULLIES with black hearts serving the evil to everyone they touch, plastic fiction delusions of grandor. BLOATING  and DECEPTI xvvvvvvv \

]]]]]]][\]=[;/.VE. No one owes another any!!

BUT those who do not help heal harm, do more harm and systematic harm is evil. EVIL EVEN MORE EVIL than what people do to each other, as a result of allowing servants to lead into fraud by corrupting public office. It Is A Personal Problem for all.

PEOPLE: THE SPIRITUAL LIVING WORD, AS THE STATE, OF BEING INDEPENDENT, SOVEREIGN SERVING, SOURCE FORCE, SOUL TRIBE, Owning Accountability. Personally witnessing others, and with knowledge from research of others, AS WELL AS Experiencing my personal accounts of brutality from over zealous enforcement of unlawful force and cause, causing much harm to myself and to my others a lifetime of studying healing, protecting from administrative tyranny from BULLY BORG CORPS


"Put this girl back in jail till she willl co-operate without a jury" rising in rank to Federal judge [Hoffman] and

"we don't prosecute kidnapping across state lines any more - You will never get a jury in my courtroom" Common Pleas Judge [Forchonie]. Remember Big Mamma, one of five deputies in Stark County Jail, cuffed and beat me bloody, needle in my arm (for tuburclosis) terrorizing, thrown in solitary confinement for the weekend, for asking for a phone call. and 14 other weekends, one 30 day stint. David Wright Jr breaking my neck and back, Randy Thompson Common Pleas Court Judges son-in-law using his car to T-Bone me, Medic Groping sexulaassult, and both hips are replaced. Much more in 30 yrs. for me, and those I have heard, with more harm than mine - in EVERY STATE IN THE VERY SAME WAY : DENYING DUE PROCESS... IT IS PERSONAL... enough to know and to care into strong wise acti on doing the next right thing aligned with others. No one can fix this alone... ALL-ONE WE CAN: Our Truth Does Set Us Free!


Especially caring to know [legals} call Patriots. "SOVEREIGN CITIZEN DOCTRINE mental disease" Can't make this stuff up, but they did: And believe it or not THEY ENJOY IT! THATS WHAT IT TAKES TO BECOME SUPERIOR TO OTHERS is for others to believe too!! College learned requirement to climb to the top.

One controlling another by any means is harmful at least minimizing the honor of both-stealing-freewill w/fear/threat/deceit

If consent is given with full disclosure with no deceit, transparent agreements work to build abundance.

IF agreements are forced, implemented, implied, tacit, without full disclosure - no conditions of satisfaction - not known and not accepted by both (Two Living Souls) people THERE IS GONNA BE TROUBLE: THAT IS WHAT WE NOW HAVE: TROUBLE -AND- CREATIVE SOLUTIONS!

People (with integrity) in agreement move mountains with love. Love fulfills Law. Expanding Exponentially good onto others.

 Without integrity evil rears it's horns and many people die - for the profit of a few - while others just doing a job. PEOPLE

DESTROY PEOPLE THROUGH AGENCY: Principle and Agent alike are culpable and colluding, guilty when harm is caused.


Constitutions are our public compact. Public offices have departments with people responsible for protocol. Professional protocol is due process in each office. Pondering why? what? how? WTF who allows (CPS) Child protection to steal children? 

Justify locking down seniors, medicating, neglecting or abusing seniors, who can not object to the REPTOID-CORPS-BULLY-BORG-BAR-ASS-ATTs as They (IN EACH COUNTY) take liberties (LEGAL GANG STALKING) consuming a share, divvy up, steal the inheritance belonging to their children? Uncle Sam - YOUR UNCLE SAM THAT'S WHO, uses Title IV retirement left from those passed, to grant money for profit to (P.P.P.) Private Public Partnerships and (N.G.O.) Non-Governmental Organizations

with implied consent as representing people who, in the words of one bragging about writing the BILL to profitise CPS DIRECT QUOTE of Dishonored Nashville DA and Family attorney [ilueR einnoC] live on FaceBook "I didn't know it would cause you parents a hardship so i'm here to re-write it." LaDeDaDoDo-Changing the BILL to award grants to parents to pay at Attorneys when a child is stolen. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

Just as job security is important, there is a hint or more of impropriety in serving two masters, might call it playing both sides of the fence or double dipping. As such posing to serve people while serving-self-profit-on-over-and-against-them is criminal behavior. AND NOW WE KNOW - IT CONTINUES TILL WE STOP IT and it continues-as-Players-get-paid-to play-Policy-By-laws and guidance, gas lighting evil, social engineering, public policy, expecting enforcement of mandates by local enforcement. Who have families to feel just doing their job personally in the public with BORG FEVER becoming reptiles... Exceptions taken for those who do not cause and do not allow harm to others.


WELL WE HAVE SOME ENLIGHTENING ENRICHMENT FOR YOU: Constitutionally connected-speaking on Principle. YU'R DONE 


Redemption is possible ?  Upon Repentance it is possible !

But ya'll better hurry before the Claim with your Name is filed with your victims blood. And claims are coming in fast.                                                                  

Our trusted public servants in partnership with each other. Having mutual interests in business. Investing in our public necessities, co-operating with each other seeking the best for self, through back deals, quite deals, secret dark deals of the  corporate nature and/or just doin' your job keepin' your head down and mouth shut. OH NO NO NO CONTRAIR MaDear!!

DEMOCRATIC LEGISLATIVE BODIES for legal contracts, can and do all they want, to pass BILLS with the color of law, all legislation is rule making for contracts in business to settle disputes of money in business agreements. PERIOD!!

REPUBLIC JUSTICE: LAW trumps LEGALS: No colorful rule making can force or prevent people from binding agreements consenting between each other.

And no authority provided for man to be controlled by man made construct. THE SUPREME NATURAL LAW BIDS NO ONE IS TO CONTROL ANOTHER: THAT IN FACT is: the very security our constitution is in place to guarantee! Not to control people. But for people to know how to perform due process to maintain safety in our public domain. PERIOD!!

An Authority over people by any other people, Especially without accountability. Was and IS A TRICK!! like MAGIC WORDS.

Remind you of OZ n the Wizard? Pull back the curtain, for THE REST OF THE STORY! Thank you Paul Harvey

As every one is meant to be self governing, holding to good moral values - help not harm and fix what is broken.

AND THE BEAT GOES ON: Until now: AND NOW WE KNOW...Out Of The Rabbit Hole with the truth. Claim Your Soul Story. Everything is fun and games - till someone gets hurt. If you Are Hurt... THIS ONE IS FOR YOU. You earned it by staying alive.

       Elite: Self servers who do greed to seek profit over people, worship money, status, power and control over others for profit, over pain and suffering they cause. Legal language of con-tracks generating implied consent without transparency or full disclosure is not healthy [Sick-Demented-EVIL]. Traditional but unlawfull. The Law Of Our Land is so much simpler and it keeps people safe in private and in public. SIMPLY DO NOT HARM OTHERS. PERIOD! Our Public is not a Social construct for engineering - [ok but so they have] - only to cover their need for greed. TILL NOW - WE KNOW!!


GRAND JURIES of (25) people: Vote their conscious, observing the law and facts to determine if evidence shows that probable cause of a crime exists, or has been committed, and who did it? A People's Presentment is handed down as a - NO BILL or, if cause shown A TRUE BILL, serves as an Indictment, for a prosecutor to summon the accused to a Petite Trial. 

But what if? you may ask... WHAT IF: A PROSECUTOR, A JUDGE, An ATTORNEY is the problem? Maybe denying due process? Is this going to fix self? Experience tell us, not likely until WE ARE ALL ONE STANDING IN PRINCIPLE OH NO Ohshitobadjoe - NOT SOO FAST THERE - JOE    -     WATCH TILL THE END

PETIT JURIES of (12) people: Vote their conscious convictions beyond a reasonable doubt, observing the law and the evidence as well as the character of the one accused. Good Characters can make mistakes and fix them. 

Most people are good, but intent to harm or premeditated planning shows the character of the accused dangerous or not.

Misfeasance (legal but done in wrong way)- Malfeasance (Intentional) - Nonfeasance ( Failure to do what should have been)

Integrity and intention to care, prevents most harms in the public. Some harms between people are settled easily.


EXCEPTIONS ARE: Family Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, Siblings in Probate Court, anywhere a state administration has locked you to another. Those are private (civil matters)  Be well advised to seek mediation from anywhere else but local courts. By Design, Marriage license, Birth Certificates, Insurance, Retirement, Education and Medical are privileges [constructed fraud] designed on weaknesses known by common observation to fail. Sooo

The professionals profit from womb to tomb in every sector - without improvements made for our public's people.


Sovereign Servers Require Our Public Servers To Provide For The Common Good Of People In Public By Law, NOW!!

Serving public office while collecting a corps paycheck is enforcing foreign power CORPS PROFIT against the public good.


NO MORE HARM TOLERATED. Corporate paycheck of public money while advancing on our public domain STOPS NOW !!

NO MORE WAR: It is ok to do business. BUT the people are not the business of people who harm no one. WE PROVE IT


The consequence for bad behavior comes with varying degrees of penalties. When the harm is done by a public servant the monetary compensation is tripled as the damage is on all people who trusted the system, and damage to the integrity of the system it's self.  

if a crime has been committed is for the people to determine, how the are governed by consent. What we allow will be the standard for Ourselves and Our Posterity. Petit juries are meant to provide equal, fair, impartial, just and speedy due process when anyone is harmed ONLY to make one who is harmed, whole again.

Money can not buy lost lives back to life, healing comes from inside so monetary compensation can only allow one to rebuild with the best of what is left.





Respect Power Over People 

                        or is it


                  WE SHALL SEE

What No Longer Serves Must Be Removed - SOLUTION

Only Constitutional Good Behavior Serve The Public DomainSOLUTION  

Fraud Vitiates  - No LLC No Immunity For Causing Harm SOLUTION

Denying Due Process Is A Corporate Policy Bylaw Agency Agent FRAUD

Enough Of The Nonsense: Personal Responsibility Integrity SOLUTION

(CPS) Child Protection  Service Problem And Solution

Probate Court, (GAL) Gaurdial AdLitem Problem And Solution

Family Court CORPS BORG BAR ASS ATT Problem And Solution

Air - Water - Food - Straight Talk Walkin' - Let's Gitter' DONE

You Find A PROBLEM  -  We Find The SOLUTION  -   BRING IT  !!