Ladies and gentlemen of this jury: Please Care to Know; Attention to details are important!!


Seems to me, what we have here is a failure to communicate. 

Not by fault of anyone of us, But buy the fact of this process being new to us, with diverse angles, that the State Public Office Servants, have taken liberties to complicate.


We have been clear on our intention to cure and correct due process, as it pertains to this one Roger Rabbit & Sheriff Stew Case Trial. 

Where Mr Breslow has his career at stake, as the many ZOOM public forums recorded and as the website thegrandjury.online does allow you to view the process as it has been built to date, still a work in progress.


In reference to the money thing - is not even a topic for discussing herein, Well: until the end of this story where enforcement is complete. 

As WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH of the PAY TO PLAY Profit for pain back dealings, gaslighting, word salads and legalese jargon of Doctrines of Sovereign Citizens who are the (parents attempting to speak truth to evil. Now thought of by legals as TERRORISTS). AND THE LEGALS HAVE NO STANDING, NO OATHS NO BONDS NO HONOR.

Fraud is as Fraud does. FRAUD vitiates everything it touches, which is why we are here.



No money requested, no money received, no money wanted  and none required NONE - NADA-ZILCH-ZERO because that changes the entire scene into equity and we are here for justice. To Freeze the Fraud and Cancel Corruption Culture, Case by Case!!

Roger and Stew have not tallied the damages for themselves yet, and Roger is: "Definitely finished paying for legals to further fraud." ( ROGERS WORDS NOT MINE)


Those of you who have been present, have heard at one point or another, the facts that have been repeated with clarity to present what you are about to read. I know this is true because I have been here when the many hours of Assembly forum live calls have been recorded through this process. Also and I have spoken to as many of you who were willing to engage, personally at length until our questioning was completely answered. 

So it seemed and I pray still stand between you, I and the US as WE. As ONE VOICE 

if not,

         Please feel free to just observe, or inquire here in this thread. 

BEYOND this "Notice to you," You will find all updates, the Jury video (SOON READY) to be viewed at " info@thegrandjury.online " email for website: If you choose to participate, please add your digital-mail address and your name, so you can stay closely connected and receive the template to state your personal claim and store your evidence to be viewed.


However: Some of this chat is not serving the big picture, in fact is interfering in our focused mission statement agreed upon by all those people present continuing, since before the ending of 2019.   And finally wrapping it up, finalizing now in 2023 ! !


Results anticipated and by spoken agreement, is to have due process complete this week and served by Monday the 6th so Roger and Stew can be freed for November 8th hearing, To "CELEBRATE ROGERS RELEASE FOR HIS BIRTHDAY DECEMBER 9TH IS OUR SPECIAL PRAYER" Please observe be, We are timely



Most have been waiting for the process to complete, waiting for their turn to be heard next, without participating in the process. But some, "enough of us, have been front and center,"

The chaos, due to your own suffering and seeking remedy is understood, accepted and surely: WE DO HAVE COMPASSION for you in this. And again, thank you for continuing to be here now.

 We are now at the point of leveling up to the duty of our people's responsible public (RE-PUBLIC) People's Court of Public Opinion where your vote does count to end this madness.


Please bring your attention to the facts herein.


  1. This particular thread was developed for one purpose only. Approximately 780 + victims have been supporting Roger through these ten years of legaleese torture by fraud and murder by design of his mother. at the hands of Susan's Daughter, (Roger's younger sister Robin) who gave the instruction against Doctors orders to give Susan the drugs that hastened Susan's passing on.


Upon Roger's request to be the pilot case to produce the People's Grand Jury. Realizing that the ultimate power of the Grand Jury is auditing all public accounts, opening and balancing books, randomly and regularly, to be satisfied that they are in order. Curing and correcting as we go to be sure it is all good. These investigations are paramount to the people securing constitutional good behavior.


Roger asked that you all be invited to participate here together to demonstrate the power of our America's Republic due process. Because this beginning is the means to return to Constitutional Counties.


  1. "Rogers mailing list" in (support of Roger). Roger asked to be the test pilot to forge the people's path to justice. So other victims can follow suit in their own case successfully. 

   First in Probate/Guardianship and once the process is completely demonstrated and secure, (enforcement of consequences) safely.  (As you may see here below)

   Then to be used collectively to return Child Protection, Quality Control - to the parents and end the guardianshit, to cancel corruption culture in our public office servants. Evil is a county problem  - it's local! Likewise the power of the people is local action focused on solutions, one problem at a time, Reasonable minds speak to discover truth, discern common sense solutions, and take necessary action, logically.


  1. In our civil society, Grand Juries are established to discover - does probable cause of crimes exist? The Petit Juries are then convened to establish guilt or innocence. By vote of the governed. By consent! 

             MrGlobal's Prosecutors have taken sole control of our due process, since 1997 and before. Attempting to protect their job security, controlling all creature comforts, by fear, force and threat of violence, denying exculpable evidence for the win against us. ..... "Like pinkey, Trying to take over the world like they do every night !!... My attempt at humor.. ha ha  ... SORRY" 

They have accomplished,  through our trust and hope for their integrity to show up. Trusting our/your own discernment of exercising rights, can be more prudent - against being tortured by fraud. 

          The Treason continues until we demonstrate due process witnessing TOGETHER CASE BY CASE. As meant to be. Fair, impartial and SPEEDILY, 30 day process from first claim to complete remedy, as I hope you will see and agree, if not please be kind with your constructive criticism compassionately, no more need for being offended please forgive what needs to be, here with us.

Patience and understanding are well with us.!


  1. June 23, 2023 the Grand Jury Presentment True Bill: Found probable cause does exist that Mr. Barry Breslow, without constitutional authority, has held Roger and Stewart denying due process. Criminally!


  1. June 27, 2023 Video recorded, Private service to Mr Barry Breslow and Mr Amos Stege, who have no bond or oath to hold office. They both maintain their position unconstitutionally. Have failed to respond to the investigation, refused to cure or correct and are in default, admitting all allegations against them. 


  1. July 11th, 2023 Video recorded public service was made to the County Commissioners meeting by Washoe Patriot Nicholas St Jon, Also resulting in the knowledge that the Commissioners support the no bond no oath, as they also do not prescribe to constitutional requirements.


  1. September 2023 Washoe Patriot Nicholas St Jon, did take the Commission to task at the Washoe County Grand Jury, Where it is clear by their "No Bill" the County Grand jury is rigged to remain unconstitutional. Which we must agree is  unacceptable, as their gang of pos support, protect and cover for this criminal collusion in an attempt of a foreign overthrow of our constitution amounting to Treason, R.I.C.O. for the entire food chain of professional profiteers, 250 + in Roger's case alone. Up to and including Congress, Both Nevada State House and Congress of Corporate America who put these guidance policies in place contrary to constitutional law with intent to profit rising. ALL CULPABLE - but free to continue until we bring it to them each properly. 


  1. The Republic of Texas Petit Jury heard the People's claim against Mr.Barry Breslow and did unanimously find the man guilty as charged. As of yet they have not taken strides to arrest Mr Breslow, nor have they as of yet, stepped into the jail with their Sheriff to free Roger. I trust this to be forthcoming soon as they feel fit to do so.


  1. The America's Republic Jesus Justice Requires good behavior to our constitution, through the exercise of our Bill of Rights. 1st  Amendment Assembled Humbly, Presented Redress and now the enforcement of consequences for Barry the Breslow Bear. It began with Our commitment to our principle! Do No Harm or ATONE... and it can only happen by agreement of the governed to determine what we do - or - DO NOT allow.


  1. By VOTE of WE the JURY, We determine our fate By agreement, but only by First Principles FIRST.

 FIRST - TOGETHER : Listening to, inquiring of, observing all of the facts, being clear on the letter and spirit of the law. Also considering the characters responsibilities and sussing out the intent, motive, and opportunity of all parties.. And in this case, the culpability and collusion of R.I.C.O. Treason!! sooo deep down the rabbid rabbit hole, for generations of professional careers of despotic nepotism.

and in Washoe Nevada we caught 'em all. Including the investment of Mr.Global-Soros's account that provides the incentive to deceive people through corporate fraud of Immunities and LLC.s 

And soon will present it to them and ro you for your viewing pleasure and enjoyment in the experience of justice being served! 


  1. FIRST and FOREMOST: Affirming our willingness and commitment to each other to do our best to discover the truth and vote our conscience as "Declaratory Witnesses" as for one for all!! As this is the legacy we leave our posterity. Not by summons of State authority, by force or coercion of contempt, failing to obey direct orders to show up as juror , BUT BY the need to be, do and have the lawful results. 


  1. WE NEED EACH OTHER for this to work, not just each doing our separate part, (YES also doing our due diligence in our own capacity too)  but, TOGETHER SPEAKING AS ONE VOICE to the one point (Atonement for Torture) and seeing to the forward action to bring the lawful, meaningful, lasting consequences for denying due process. As the definitive line in the people's public opinion sandbox, Out of the RABBID RABBIT HOLE - demonstrating - as an example of what common sense good behaviour IS, Constitutionally Due Processed - by THE PEOPLE!!  


  1. As this: People's Great Grand Jury, from the beginning of this PLAN "A" Team has kept a steady focus on and followed through, ("was tough") lots of distraction, - but together! we are - and have done.

And those of you who have come and gone, thank you for having the fortitude to continue in this path, with this PLAN "A" going forward into the REST OF THE STORY!! The enforcement of the consequences!! 


The Plan is: Third service is now being prepared to reach the 250 public servants who have knowledge of and failed to cure or correct this case!! 82 page one liner titles of the denied filings from Roger's 10 years of traumatic gangstalking and ultimate murder of Susan..

The third service, (being sent to all of Mr Breslow's food chain, from jailer up to SCOTUS with the findings, of the Jury's Verdict (that is here and now being enforced) by virtue of the exculpatory evidence, presented in upcoming video, The facts, just the facts, as presented "the Timeline" of our "WHO FRAMED Roger Rabbit & Sheriff Stew's CASE TRIAL"



This 3rd and very public "NOTICE OF LIABILITY" is their introduction and invitation to repent and atone for torture "IN ROGERS CASE" as we are only enforcing against Mr.Breslow ,   AT THIS TIME, The video timeline does allow each P.O.S. to see where they "each" enter this train wreck - for profit, and therefore are willing to, or allow the the Bear to be thrown under the bus, the sacrefice of Mr,Breslow and justify remaining neutral (staying off the train track) as we process ONLY BARRY BEAR as the trainwreck's engine, holding the key to Roger's cell RELENRLESSLY.


  1. As money seems to be the deciding factor for anyone to throw ANY others under the bus, Constitutional integrity for job security or CORPORATE POLICY for PROFIT seems to be anyone's choice. and seems that this being the initial enemy from within each to their own, as the weak spot for them and sweet spot for us to focus on, by the authority of the - December 20, 2017 signing of the,

 Executive Order 13818. The number was first seen in the archives as E.O.31818, until 2021....  Do not know why or how the number changed.  But the words did not change which brings us to the enforcement of consequences accordingly!


  1. YOUR VOTE COUNTS. To nullify bad colors of legalese fraud.  This group will soon be invited to see the final result of the PUBLIC PETIT TRIAL where the whole truth being told in order for those pos to notice Roger's support network of 780 + other victims of probate/guardianshit !!! ARE WATCHING -THAT IS: YOU/US/WE/YOU/ME and others, are exercising our superior constitutional law, of the supreme law, of our land, by Divine Right and authority of our duty to remove what no longer serves. BY AGREEMENT IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN AS DUE PROCESS!!


  1. The Executive Order 13818, in relevant part - states: 

"All public servants found corrupt are to have their property, assets, and accounts frozen... sooner rather than later, as they tend to hide what they have stolen. We know they are corrupt! SO: How do we find them corrupt? Specifically make claims of specific harms, damage done by deeds or omissions, and the cover-up of those crimes by the perpetrating professional profiteers. 

Most, if not all harms are caused by the failure or denial of due process, and incorporated cover ups by their supporting Private Public Partnerships (P.P.P.) of Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) of their CORPORATE POLICY BY-LAW Attempts to overthrow our Constitutional Law, to be replaced with Sustainable Guidance Mandates handed down through goofy global gossip and gratitudes  generated from up their SorosKlauseTedroGates WEF, WHO, UN, NIH, CDC and our CONGRESSES who are preparing to issue digital ID in LasVegas first, for the gambling society to conveniently access their banks for healthy bug eating program to save the climate with transitioning our children's sexes up their extorted self serving food chain. WHICH: BY NOW IS NOT NEW NEWS to any of you... I digress... That WAS MUCH TOO MUCH ... SORRY not meant as humor.


If it harms people - corruption is likely. Systematically across the Country, by design in statutes, 

If harm is written into a claim, evidenced, witnessed, served on Notice of Liability, allow time for reply, serve default notice, bring public opinion WE FOUND IT TRUE

WE feel Correctly, lawfully, peacefully, effectively, and unless anyone here, can improve what we have this far completed, or object intelligently to any specific changes needed.


 This being the facts, that you are now a part of knowing and developing, without any objection clearly stated, you being privy to the knowledge, please show up diligently to say so on the live viewing streaming then, on FaceBook, Rumble, Telegram or other platforms when you see the schedule. 


Have your say respectfully to drive your truth home in the public debate to cancel corruption culture and bring Jesus Justice Like Alice of OZ to the Karens of our American Republic Bill Of Rights People, here to cure and correct. 


Not to cause harm, deceive or delay but to perfect the due process of law. Love fulfills law, so please be kind, while we witness truth to consequences and love large enough to light up the dark evil souls, They are just bullies (greedy Cowards at that) needing healed with appropriate necessary natural consequences. 


 And we have developed into the Soul Tribe forging the path walking in wise counsel. WeR'US The Accountables 


  1. Not only are we watching their next move as an Assembled Body of Humble Declaratory Witnesses, WE commit to the final act of America's Republic Enforcement of Justice by the natural consequences of ATONEMENT and REPENTANCE.


  1. Lawfully and by right to reclaim what belongs to the people. To be safe where we stand. and to be made whole again if we are damaged ... AND for the perpetrator to be forever removed from office and return what they have stolen including their retirement. ASAP by, the public, lawful, lien process, filed with the County Recorder, By the people, on behalf of the victims "Roger and Stew" until the people see that remedy is satisfied. 


We have been in agreement, that this as it is, to be the last ditch effort to effectively bring the Breslow Bear to the negotiation table with us for a successful solution.

NOT ONLY are we watching their next move, BUT we invite > require their attendance in this FIRST AMENDMENT ASSEMBLED: Live Trial, hearing in review and up for discussion live blasted on facebook, alt-zoom if we get the boot from FB or YouTube Until due process is with us all.


  1. The recording will serve as the first hearing for the: People's Forum of Public Opinion, at this live premier, ongoing in the "News4USWorld" on Telegram, Rumble, YouTube and other platforms recorded as well as on the "APP for New ARTs Alive" (America's Republic Theater) Where the drama plays out into justice. For us all, ongoing until we are satisfied.

      (Where your story can fully be heard, once you have the facts written in chronological order, Template provided at that time so you can painlessly write your claim and store all of your evidence in one place to be heard next from the docket. 

      Written in numbered paragraphs identifying the perps, deeds/omissions and the remedy sought. Submit it to the jury fore-wo/man to be heard, in the order received on the docket and processed by date received.)  

   As always, this work in progress is not a few wo/man job or duty, please bring your best skills to the table, we all need you. Lots of people are waiting for justice. But we need to get this right the first time.

As anticipating what back to normal means, by any means possible, our intent must be to peacefully, lawfully develope local connection, so county quality control is in the hands of Committees of Safety, if a public office servant becomes a pos again, we will have a dedicated local force waiting to be your witness when needed. IS (our prayer & mission)


  1. Ongoing live dialogue, in the public, where if any pos fails to show up to cure and correct "this Roger's case" or if they choose to interfere with the people's process, knowing they will then be the target of the audience until people are satisfied. 


  1. YOU, and me and our others, Witnessing - us each all together declaring this free for all pos party has come to an end, ,WE FREE THE RABBIT, with the same due process, WE FREE ALL THE LIL FLUFFLE BUNNIES who have been denied due process, and are so "legally" traumatized in chaos, do not even hear the FACT: 

THAT: If you do not write it down - You have no claim and no cause too keep crying about it. yer done! BECAUSE - only you know it is your story, tell it the way you want it heard, in writing... or don't - but responsibly that is what it takes - like it or not - Spinning the story slightly is how they got your money. so you tell it your way to make it work, for you! ask for support if needed

The jury can not follow along without a timeline transcript to refer to the actual facts, of who did what and what you need in repair, monetary or release of loved ones - cuz once we master Probate/guardianslips. WE ARE SERIOUSLY READY TO SPEAK TO AND TRANSFORM CPS AGENCIES, POLICIES, BYLAWS, AGENTS AND PRINCIPALS COLLECTIVELY!! 

They should not have harmed our children or parents, or the innocent or the veterans or other countries, cultures, not the air, water, food, health, media, WTFE control by fraud, fear or force by threat of violence is it seems to me, IS EVIDENCE OF ACTIONABLE EVIL DEEDS OF THE ANTI-CHRIST WITHIN ANY ONE OF US who fail or refuse to do good when it is within our power to do so, harms all of us.


  1. Many of you here have served that good purpose of First Principle, many of you here have evidence of other victimized people (of this same racket) seeking the path to justice in many different ways.

 This is ours: Here for "Roger Rabbit and Sheriff Stew" Remedy is removal of Breslow Bear from his retirements, investments, properties, accounts and from his assumed position of power as the successful example, in support of our attempts to free Roger & Stew, through Our America's Republic Theater, lawful, effective, meaningful, long lasting due process of Jesus Justice. By agreement! 

By agreement! Not opinion, not abstract possibilities or politic, not policy, statutes, not divided or angry, BUT: Peacefully and as one lawful, liberty loving voice, TOGETHER . 

SOULS MATTER, STORIES COUNT Soul Stories change lives. If you are here to hear Roger Rabbit & Sheriff Stew - We wanna be here to hear your truths that make you FREE and WHOLE again. And enforce the consequences on your behalf.


You were all "mostly" invited here by Roger, to assist in the ongoing assembled association of Sovereign Serving People, Patriots, Parents (Non terrorist type) truth and justice seekers. 

To be Declaratory Witnesses to speak (By your VOTE) to the truth you observe in this case. Doing unto others as you will have them do unto you.


As it turns out, Roger being deemed a Vexatious Litigant, and being extorted to denounce "The WE the People's Jury Verdict," (filed into the court with Washoe Court embossed raised stamp to show it officially part of the record.) declared openly, (at the next day hearing to sell Susan's home) by the court actors as filing "Simulated Documents."

 On the record Roger is said to be mentally deranged and dangerous by virtue of the Sovereign Citizen Doctrine, (Judges and BAR Attorney's words, Not Mine)  and the "dilusional alternate reality of those people who go down that Rabbit Hole and there appear to have a " constitutional mindset " but functional in all other areas of life. The acting Judges Doherty, Breslow and Walker and BAR Attorneys Torvenin, Moss, Jenkins, Stege, Washoe Financial Services, Washoe Medical and Guardians, Police, Sheriff, Deputies, Jailers, Defenders, Politicians and retired offenders.  And so many other locals, State and Federal fraudsters up to SCOTUS supported by the County Commissioners, along with the FBI, DOJ, OH MY... LIONS AND TIGERS AND BEARS! CupCakes, we need cupcakes, We have cupcakes for research! "private encouragements for expert researchers" into the properties, assets and accounts of the OTHERS above listed in this Racketeering game/raw war of Treason.


 Cuz there are lots of them in this club of criminals, lined up to be Due Processed.


We are invited here for the one purpose of: Bringing the support of Roger and Stewart as we have focused on, herein above. If this sounds like anything offensive at all. Please feel free to announce your concerns respectfully, by responsibly requesting the solution you seek along with your objection. Sovereign Servers v Self Servers.


Long winded i do know... Necessarily so... agree or disagree, THAT IS THE REST OF THE STORY FOR NOW. ........ WE ARE IT -or - IT ISN'T

PRAYERS FOR THE LAWFUL RELEASE OF OUR BROTHERS BY NOVEMBER 6th TO CELEBRATE ROGERS BIRTHDAY November 9th 2023. That is next week. With lil luck and lil help the mailing will be complete by Monday coming up. And Live call and recording reviewed in Washoe county, paid advertisement live feed to bring any other local victims to the front safely to testify to the fraud. locally!


the curtain of OZ has been pulled back. It will be difficult to un-see it, Especially By those P.O.S. guilty Profiteers of the food chain in this jungle zoo rat race. Wonderland fiction fantasy of those self serving servants self entitled as leaders Ha SERVANTS DON'T LEAD AND LEADERS SERVE SELF -

Yes, it is just my opinion. My opinion is based on connecting dots, with research and years of personal experience - deflecting bullies in position of power, forgiving with gratitude for healing and walking - only in wise counsel - by agreement.  TOO LONG TOO BAD, -  WHAT SAY YOU??            
